Top domains by Traffic
Get a list of the biggest 1 mio Websites on the Internet ranked by Traffic with a estimation of monthly visits/sessions - updated Monthly.
Sizing the Web is hard - get this list to master it
The database comes with visit estimations for every single domain. This let´s you easaly filter the data for the size you want to analyze. Use it to get a understanding how much Traffic curtain domains have, understand your competitors or tailor your outreach based on the potential customer size.
Alexa 1 million domainlist is gone - there is not much left
Alexa the service providing a monthly updated list of the Top Webpages stopped the service beginning 2022. Where are not a lot of services left providing this kind of information - and if it´s super expensive. Our Goal is to provide a high-quality but still affordable service filling this gap.
Is the Database containg the 1 million biggest Webpages with monthly session estimations the right product for me?
The Database can fullfill a lot of different needs. Here are the most Job-Titles we sell this datset to:
For Marketers:
The Dataset is perfect if you are a marketer want to understand your webpage and the competition. Easaly research Affiliates and Partners you want to wrk with.
For Investment:
Understand the Company you are researching and compare the performance to the industry and direct competitors
For ecom-Managers:
Understand and monitor your market and the performance of your page.
For Sales-Managers:
Get a better targeted outreach by filtering for prospects base on theire size.
Datadelivery for the Top Websites:
The data comes as a csv. The data is updated every month (note you just buy the latest month - if you are interested in a monthly delivery reach out to us)
Datasample Top 100 Websites Worldwide
Immediate csv download of the top Websites with highly accurate Traffic estimations